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Dramatic Advances In Materials Have Helped Drive The Manufacturing Revolution

Updated Sep 29, 2020, 12:38pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

After a recent bicycle ride, the frame of my road bike caught my attention. It struck me that, when I first started riding seriously far more years ago than I care to admit, the carbon fiber composite that my bike is made of today simply didn’t exist. Aluminum alloy rims were a pretty new thing (and seemed to bend if you just looked at them wrong). The first titanium frame, the Teledyne Titan, was just a few years old. Gary Klein was experimenting with aluminum wrapped in boron fiber for his then–revolutionary frames.

Now we take for granted advanced materials that deliver performance and light weight in bicycles unimaginable back then. And that got me wondering: what do we take for granted in the broader manufacturing world when it comes to breakthrough materials?

There are two related areas where perhaps the biggest advances have been made in recent decades: plastics and composites. When it comes to plastics, the evidence of breakthroughs is all around us. “Think about plastic car parts, for example,” explained Chuck Hull, who invented stereolithography, one of the first 3D printing technologies, and is co-founder and CTO at 3D Systems Corporation DDD . “Years ago they were nice and durable when you first bought your car, then a couple years later they got brittle and started breaking. But we’ve had lots of innovation–new chemical stabilizers and whole new materials over the years, to make those parts durable over much longer periods.”

For Hull, those advances are particularly critical, since they helped him create a whole new method of manufacturing. “3D printing is really all about the applications,” he said. “What are you using it for and what are the benefits? You could come up with a good application and find you just can’t print it. But then the materials guys come up with a new material, and that opens the technology up to whole new applications. There’s been a lot of good work in material life. They were able to stabilize thermoplastics, which added long term strength and gave a wide range of materials suitable for plastic parts.”

Those material improvements combined with improvements in printing technology to create a virtuous innovation circle. “We’ve been able to improve our 3D printing accuracy and repeatability to where it’s often better than injection molding,” said Hull. “The plastics behind 3D printing have also been both evolutionary and revolutionary. 3D plastics are often different kinds of chemistry than everyday materials–photocurable materials [which harden when exposed to light] versus melting resin and molding it, for example.”

When it comes to composites–plastics with embedded fibers of high-strength materials such as carbon, boron, and glass–the advances have been both evolutionary and revolutionary as well. “Sporting goods became a leading edge for adopting composites,” said Dale Brosius, Chief Commercialization Officer at the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (also known as IACMI–The Composites Institute). “Tennis racket manufacturers started using carbon fiber in the early 1980s to replace wood and aluminum. Formula One first starting using carbon fiber in the early 1980s too – now they’re all hand-built carbon fiber. Indy Car started using it in the 1990s. Skis went to fiberglass from wood. Boron was used for golf club shafts to keep the club head from breaking off. The sporting goods world always latches onto the latest and greatest.”

Now there are far more advanced manufacturers driving the adoption of composites. “Aerospace first started using composites for the military, but it’s really taken off for commercial now too,” Brosius explained. “They started first with control surfaces, and now use them for primary structures. Airbus’s A350 and Boeing’s BA 787 have all-composite fuselages and wings, and Boeing’s 777X has composite wings with an aerodynamic shape that significantly improves fuel efficiency.”

Space applications are another big user. “There are lots of composites used in satellites,” said Brosius. “They help make them super-light and super-stiff. The weight reductions help reduce launch costs. And there’s almost no thermal expansion–the materials don’t shrink or grow, even across temperature gradients from -250 to +250 degrees Fahrenheit.”

For fiberglass in particular, clean energy has driven a huge market shift. “The biggest user used to be marine,” Brosius said. “Now it’s wind energy. As blades have gotten huge, the designs have combined fiberglass surfaces with a carbon fiber spar. That combination can handle the hundreds of millions of cycles these turbines will see over a 20- or 25-year life.

Both Hull and Brosius see enormous potential still to be realized. “3D printing is positioned to drive localization of production to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.,” Hull pointed out. “The U.S. has lost its ability to manufacture a lot of things. It’ll be a challenge to recover, but in a sense it’s easy to manufacture things with 3D printing–a kid in his basement can do it. As we continue to improve it, 3D printing will step in and people won’t even know it. The average person doesn’t care how you manufacture something. But 3D printing wouldn’t even exist in the production world without the advances in quality and repeatability that materials science has delivered.”

“Everywhere you look, there’s a market for composites hiding in plain sight,” added Brosius. “There are huge opportunities in construction and infrastructure. Composites can help us build new bridges that will last a hundred years or more, resilient buildings, telephone poles that don’t snap–the possibilities are endless. Think of the advantages these materials bring. A lot of them just happen and people don’t even know it. Concrete doesn’t spall and fall apart when it’s reinforced with composite rebar instead of steel. Or your airplane has bigger windows because of its carbon fiber fuselage. And when’s the last time you saw a boat rust?

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