30 Under 30: Meet Livia Rice, ARM Institute

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Livia Rice, senior outreach manager, ARM Institute: “This is a custom 3D printed robot arm that is a replica of the ARM Institute logo. Typically, the arm also holds a QR code that brings people into an augmented reality (AR) experience where they can explore our projects. We often have events in spaces where we can’t connect our equipment to power sources, like at the Pentagon. This arm and AR experience provide us with a creative, yet transportable way to tell the ARM Institute story. You can also see this arm personified in our brand videos. I led this project and feel that it illustrates the creativity I bring to problems and my storytelling skills.”
Jim Harris/PBT
Jordyn Hronec
By Jordyn Hronec – Associate Editor, Pittsburgh Business Times

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Livia Rice is senior outreach manager at the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute and part of our 2023 30 Under 30 cohort.

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, based at Mill 19 in Hazelwood Green, has a big part of its notoriety to owe to Livia Rice. Rice was one of the ARM Institute’s first employees when it was formed in 2017, and she’s played a key role in the organization’s growth. She began working as the ARM Institute’s marketing coordinator, then later as its marketing and communications manager, building the fledgling organization’s brand and organizing its annual national member meeting. Now, Rice serves as senior outreach manager at the organization, where she continues to lead and direct large-scale marketing and communications projects.

What led to your role at the ARM Institute?

Before my role at the ARM Institute, I worked at a public relations firm (Markowitz Communications) where I managed campaigns for organizations including the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Cirque du Soleil and others. While I enjoyed the work, I wanted a role with more project diversity. I started to take on the firm’s technology-focused clients and from there applied for a job at the ARM Institute. I joined the ARM Institute in 2017 — just a few months after its creation.

What has been the greatest achievement during your business career so far?

Playing a role in the formation of the ARM Institute. When I joined the institute, we had only eight employees, no members, no website, few processes and lacked a consistent brand. What we did have was a critical and time-sensitive national mission from the Department of Defense, and we rapidly needed to make an impact. Because I joined so early in the institute’s life, I was able to build our national brand from the ground up, form processes and procedures and more. We were a small team, so I was constantly stepping outside of my formal job description (and still am) to get things done. Today, we have 30+ staff members, a state-of-the-art facility at Mill 19, 120+ robotics and workforce projects that we’ve catalyzed, 380+ member organizations and an award-winning brand.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

Be the person you needed early in your career. I strongly believe in advocating for and elevating others.

Who is your role model, or who has helped you the most so far in your career?

Suzy Teele (ARM Institute chief strategy officer) is both for me. Suzy has been my supervisor since I started at the ARM Institute. She values and trusts my expertise and encourages me to pursue my ideas. As a woman in tech, Suzy had to work incredibly hard to be where she is today. I think I’ve become increasingly tenacious through working with her. Additionally, Brenda Armstrong and Tinsy Labrie were formative in the early stages of my career. I wouldn’t be in marketing/communications had I not worked with them!

What is your ultimate career goal?

I see myself continuing in marketing/communications and directing special projects; however, I’m open to different paths. When I pursued my college education, I expected to work in arts management and instead have been happily working in robotics. It’s sagacious to be open to possibilities!

Best stress reliever?

Movement is incredibly cathartic for me. I was a dancer for many years, so movement is integral to who I am. Whether it’s a Pure Barre class, my daily morning yoga, hiking or just walking outside, movement always helps me shake off the stress. I’ve also found a quick jaunt on a forklift to be a great stress-reliever.


Title: Senior outreach manager, ARM Institute

Age: 28

Birthplace: Pittsburgh

Education: B.S., sports, arts and entertainment management, Point Park University

Hobbies: Working out, hiking, traveling, reading, writing, teaching Finnegan (my cat) new tricks and practicing French

Volunteer work/causes: Gender and racial equality, community building and animal rights


Book: “The Woman Destroyed” by Simone de Beauvoir

Movie: “The Godfather”

Music artist: Lana Del Rey

Local restaurant/bar/coffee shop: Georgie’s Corner Bakery & Café

Vacation destination: France

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