Energy, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Photonics

What happens when you combine the strength of the American worker with investment in cutting-edge science and technology? Innovations capable of changing the world.

Manufacturing USA®, a network of 14 manufacturing institutes across the United States, does just that. Each of its public-private partnerships enables precompetitive collaboration...

Industry Week
Lightweight Materials, Workforce

The increasing pace of change in technology-driven manufacturing calls for more immersive educational models.

For decades, our nation has invested billions of dollars in programs and initiatives to address the disconnection between workforce demand and supply.

However, the advanced manufacturing skills gap still exists. So that leaves the question...

Aerospace Manufacturing and Design
Lightweight Materials, Smart Manufacturing

The first linear friction welder capable of full-sized part development in North America is now operational and ready for project work at Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow ( LIFT), a national manufacturing innovation facility operated by the American Lightweight Materials Innovation Institute, in Detroit, Michigan.

The friction welder, built...

Lightweight Materials

The Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT) program is initiating a new phase for its Fast Forge program, which solicits new ideas for lightweight materials projects and puts together teams to develop and commercialize those new technologies more speedily than LIFT’s larger objectives.

LIFT is public-private partnership focused on developing...

Industry Week
IIOT, Innovation, Lightweight Materials, Manufacturing

Lightweighting isn’t new to the auto industry, but it’s finally mature enough to make a significant impact on manufacturers, drivers and the whole planet.

Even if you’re not a car aficionado, you can see why the Chevy Corvette C2—aka the Stingray—is re­vered among the pantheon of American automo­tive manufacturing. Sleek. Classy. And fast. Really...