
Spring Semester 2019 FlexFactor® Finals

Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, STEM

NextFlex co-hosted the 4th bi-annual FlexFactor Finals: Silicon Valley in partnership with Evergreen Valley College. During the finals, teams of students who participated in FlexFactor during the Spring 2019 semester were chosen to advance to the final event, where they delivered streamlined versions of their original pitches.

Teams who participated in the finals represented multiple local schools and districts, including Willow Glen, Leland, Gunderson, Santa Teresa, San Jose, Wilcox, Santa Clara, and Milpitas High Schools. Product ideas addressed a wide range of problem areas from the tracking of endangered species to advanced camouflage for soldiers. Winning teams from the first night included: Hormonal Balance Monitor from Willow Glen, TASA+ from Milpitas, and Esther from Willow Glen. The second night winners included: Wearrior from Wilcox, Glucose Patch from San Jose, and REMM from Wilcox.

Spring Semester 2019 FlexFactor Finals
Spring Semester FlexFactor Final presenters, teachers, and winners on Day 1.