MFGDay Manufacturing Institute

Each year, Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) is held on the first Friday in October in order to show students, parents, and the public what modern manufacturing is all about.  The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing our world. New advanced manufacturing technologies bring about whole new careers, requiring a skilled workforce interested in pursuing them. From bioengineers, to data analysts to robotics technicians, and all of the operations in between, there is a place for everyone in manufacturing!

Together with the National Association of Manufacturers, The Manufacturing Institute, MEP Centers, and federal agency partners, the Manufacturing USA network celebrates the manufacturers who make the products that keep us safe, enrich our lives, strengthen our economic and national security, and provide countless opportunities for our communities and workforce. Host or find an event and get involved. #MFGDay24


MFG Day Marketing Toolkit

Tips for Hosting an Event

Raise Awareness 

Demystifying Careers in Advanced Manufacturing

Have you explored the world of advanced manufacturing? It’s time to challenge outdated perceptions. The Manufacturing USA network, in partnership with NextFlex and NIST, hosted a discussion to dispel common myths about manufacturing, such as it being dirty, unskilled, or limited to assembly line work. Our moderator, Dr. Brad Conrad, leads an insightful conversation tackling these misconceptions and highlights why modern manufacturing is an innovative, high-tech career path offering competitive wages and opportunities for everyone.

Learn how advanced manufacturing can be a rewarding career choice!

Panelists include:

  • Ms. Courtney Power is the Deputy Director of Workforce Development at NextFlex
  • Dr. Courtney Taylor is the Executive Director of Mississippi’s Office of Workforce Development, Accelerate MS 
  • Dr. John D. Williams describes his job as the lead engineer and co-developer of a research and development (R&D) team at The Boeing Company
  • Dr. Christina Jones is a Partnerships and Outreach Strategist in the Office of Advanced Manufacturing, NIST
Demystifying Careers in Advanced Manufacturing
Demystifying Careers in Advanced Manufacturing


Graphic say: "Modern Makers: Meet the modern makers who help power the manufacturing usa ecosystem." With photos of Adonis Summerville (Black male wearing safety glasses) and Maria Araujo (woman with long blonde hair wearing a blazer). Click to learn more.


Go to New on the ARM Member Community – Summer 2024

New on the ARM Member Community – Summer 2024

There are new resources and ways to connect with other members now available on the ARM Member Community ! The ARM Member Community is our members-only digital platform that houses our project... Read More
ARM Workforce Development
Go to ARM Institute Issues Future of Work Study

ARM Institute Issues Future of Work Study

The ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute today publicly released its Future of Work study. The study, previously issued to ARM Institute Members, details how advanced technologies... Read More
ARM Future Work Study
Go to ARM Institute Issues Future of Work Study Press Release

ARM Institute Issues Future of Work Study Press Release

ARM Institute Issues Future of Work Study Detailing Best Practices and Collective Efforts Needed to Build a Sustainable and Resilient U.S. Manufacturing Workforce The ARM (Advanced Robotics for... Read More
Blue robotic arm built by Yaskawa.
Go to Industry Associations Convene at ARM Institute Headquarters

Industry Associations Convene at ARM Institute Headquarters

The 2024 Joint Technology Summit occurred at the ARM Institute’s Pittsburgh facility on April 2-3, 2024, bringing together the technology committees of AMT – The Association For Manufacturing... Read More
ARM - AMT meeting
Go to Industrious: Why the Planet Should Be Glad Sridhar Seetharaman Is Not a Physicist

Industrious: Why the Planet Should Be Glad Sridhar Seetharaman Is Not a Physicist

Sridhar Seetharaman’s parents didn’t want him to become a physicist. “My parents are from a different generation,” said Seetharaman, who moved from India to Sweden with his family when he was only 1... Read More
Graphic with a photo of Sridhar Seetharaman, Director of EPIXC. Credit: ASU/EPIXC
Go to Valencia College Re-Enrolls In LIFT’s Operation Next, Expanding Advanced Manufacturing Job Training

Valencia College Re-Enrolls In LIFT’s Operation Next, Expanding Advanced Manufacturing Job Training

LIFT, the Detroit-based, Department of Defense national manufacturing innovation institute, today announced that Valencia College will be expanding its job training work by once again offering... Read More
LIFT Leading Innovations  for Tomorrow
Go to ARM Institute Signs Continuation Agreement with Department of Defense

ARM Institute Signs Continuation Agreement with Department of Defense

The ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute is honored to announce a continuation of its cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense (DoD) Manufacturing Technology (ManTech)... Read More
ARM mobile autonoumou
Go to 2023 Manufacturing Month Round-up

2023 Manufacturing Month Round-up

| America Makes
The Manufacturing USA institutes and supporting Federal agencies were exceptionally busy with their partners, members, and community organizers during this year’s Manufacturing Month. Several... Read More
Group photo of Manufacturing USA panelists at SOUTHTEC
Go to ARM Institute Hosts Manufacturing Day

ARM Institute Hosts Manufacturing Day

Earlier this month, the ARM Institute continued its annual tradition hosting a Manufacturing Day event in collaboration with our Pittsburgh facility neighbors and collaborators, Carnegie Mellon... Read More
ARM MFG Day 2023
Go to Students Explore Integrated Photonics through Summer Internships at AIM Photonics

Students Explore Integrated Photonics through Summer Internships at AIM Photonics

| AIM Photonics
While many college and university students are beginning to wrap up their long summer breaks spent relaxing at the beach, hiking the mountains, or even touring overseas, seven dedicated PhD, graduate... Read More
AIM Photonics Summer Interns
Go to ARM Institute Funds New Technology Projects

ARM Institute Funds New Technology Projects

The ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute has selected eight new short-cycle technology projects for funding from its 23-01 Technology Project Call released earlier this year. The ARM... Read More
ARM Robot arm
Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers
Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers
Pathways to Manufacturing Careers


Rethinking Manufacturing
Rethinking Manufacturing
Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers
Increasing Diversity in Advanced Manufacturing Careers