
Manufacturing USA at IMTS 2022

IMTS Group Photo
Representatives from the Manufacturing USA network at IMTS.

The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office along with 9 manufacturing innovation institutes attended the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago, IL during the week of September 12. IMTS is the largest and longest-running industry trade show in the Western Hemisphere. Joining over 86K attendees, this year marked the first time that the Manufacturing USA network participated as an exhibitor.

Manufacturing USA institutes and agency partners delivered multiple main stage presentations and also took part in the Smartforce Student Summit, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Technology Leadership Summit, Hannover Messe USA conference, SME’s Smart Manufacturing Experience, the OPC Foundation Conference, LIVE LAB sessions, MxD’s Leverage Technology to Increase Accessibility and Diversify Your Workforce Workshop, and various IMTS+ productions in addition to podcasts and livestreams. Manufacturing USA also sponsored the Miles for Manufacturing 5K and inaugural Women Make Manufacturing Move program.

Manufacturing USA Institutes in Attendance

AFFOA, advanced fibers and textiles

America Makes, additive manufacturing

ARM Institute, advanced robotics

BioFabUSA, regenerative manufacturing

CESMII, smart manufacturing

CyManII, cybersecurity in manufacturing

IACMI, advanced composites

MxD, digital manufacturing and cybersecurity

REMADE, sustainable manufacturing


Infographic on Manufacturing USA's experience at IMTS


IMTS showcased Manufacturing USA thought leadership in advanced manufacturing and the broad range of Industry 4.0 technologies covered by Manufacturing USA institutes, from digital manufacturing and cybersecurity to biofabrication. Across many outlets, institutes discussed how they are creating and supporting initiatives to build new and expand existing ecosystems focused on their technologies to assist in the development and adoption of these new technologies and train the American workforce for advanced manufacturing jobs. Each institute focused on their unique mission guided by their sponsoring agencies (U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, or Department of Energy) and how academia, government, and manufacturers of all sizes can contribute to securing global leadership in advanced manufacturing.

We look forward to the innovative initiatives from the network this year. If your organization is interested in becoming a member, please contact our office at manufacturingusa [at] (manufacturingusa[at]nist[dot]gov) or find an institute at

Videos from IMTS 

Driving Innovation in U.S. Manufacturing

Technology advancements Manufacturing USA institutes and their members make today will lead to new industries, processes, products, and trained workers. This opening talk highlighted how we bring people together to turn ideas into reality and also celebrates the 10th anniversary of America Makes, the institute whose successful pilot led to the creation of the Manufacturing USA network.​

Beyond The Exhibits IMTS 2022

Take a tour of the Manufacturing USA booth space! Hear from Manufacturing USA network experts on impact of the network, what’s compelling about the network, and why we were excited to have a network presence at IMTS 2022.


Images from IMTS

Manufacturing USA institutes engaging with attendees and students during IMTS 2022.

IMTS 2022 Live Lab


IMTS - Executive Director of America Makes




IMTS Tech Leadership


IMTS Student Summit - America Makes


IMTS Student Summit - AFFOA


IMTS Student Summit - ARM Institute


IMTS Student Summit - IACMI