Our Network @ Work

Advanced Composites Intern Prepared for Career Launch

Composites, Education, Workforce

4M Carbon Fiber and IACMI (a Manufacturing USA institute) sponsored intern, Trenton Bullman, participated in his second internship continuing the advancement of 4M and 4XTechnology projectsin summer of 2019. Upon graduation in May, the aerospace engineer began his career as a full-time Composite Technical Track Engineer at GE Aviation. At GE Aviation, Batesville, he was been working on optimizing processes with leaner manufacturing techniques for the acoustic panels within the GE9X Engine Program. 4M and IACMI are proud to have helped launch Trenton’s career.

Trenton Bullman
IACMI Intern Trenton Bullman

Trenton recently spoke about his experience at a Tennessee Composites Coalition meeting where he shared his background with IACMI and 4M, working on projects involving carbon fiber and advanced composite technologies. He attributed his experiences with providing him with the necessary tools to successfully interview and accept the job offer following his graduation from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK).

When asked why he chose internships within the composites industry, Trenton replied, “I knew I wanted to learn more about composite materials because they are the future of the aerospace industry. By working with 4M and 4XTechnologies, not only did I learn more about composites but I gained valuable insight into the daily tasks and time management of engineers in the workplace.”