Energy, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Photonics

What happens when you combine the strength of the American worker with investment in cutting-edge science and technology? Innovations capable of changing the world.

Manufacturing USA®, a network of 14 manufacturing institutes across the United States, does just that. Each of its public-private partnerships enables precompetitive collaboration...

Printed Electronics Now
Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Robotics

Governments worldwide are partnering with industry and academia to boost research into the field of printed and flexible electronics. For example, the European Union (EU) has put considerable financial resources into a host of projects. In the US, the most notable project is NextFlex, which is helping to advance manufacturing capabilities for...


In the summer of 2018, a team led by MIT researchers reported in the journal Nature that they had successfully embedded electronic devices into fibers that could be used in fabrics or composite products like clothing, airplane wings, or even wound dressings. The advance could allow fabrics or composites to sense their environment, communicate...

The Boston Globe
Lightweight Materials, Materials

Researchers at a Cambridge lab hope so. They’re developing fibers that would be integrated into the smart sweater of Christmases yet to come, enabling what was once a simple garment to store electricity, change colors, gather data about your health, or even help an acquaintance recall your name at a crowded holiday party.

The lab, part of a public...

Textile World

"What if?" It is the question where innovation begins, and few companies have asked it as often and answered it as well as DuPont™ and FilSpec USA.

A company-wide commitment to innovation is one reason why DuPont is a partner in the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA), a non-profit institute founded in 2016 as part of the U.S. government...