Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Workforce

NextFlex ® , America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, today announced the formation of a new Institute Node in Missouri aimed to increase the volume, pace and coordination of FHE development. The new Node joins two previously established Nodes in New York and Massachusetts, demonstrating the momentum in FHE adoption...

Additive Manufacturing, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, STEM

In 2021, Smart Manufacturing started asking the leaders transforming manufacturing what effect the coronavirus pandemic has had on their business. Not only do the stories continue to amaze, we’re also seeing some of the trickle down effects of COVID-19 emerge in their answers.

Two respondents said reshoring—bringing manufacturing back to the...

Printed Electronics Now
Flexible Hybrid Electronics

NextFlex , America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, today released Project Call 7.0 (PC 7.0), the latest call for proposals that seek to fund projects that further the development and adoption of FHE while addressing key challenges in advanced manufacturing while supporting Department of Defense priorities.


Flexible Hybrid Electronics

For Malcolm Thompson, leading a consortium is a lot like being a matchmaker. He is discreet and has a wide network. He also strives to understand his members’ goals and gain their trust. “They come to me and say, ‘We need help on some things,’ which can reveal a weakness,” said Thompson, executive director of NextFlex, a consortium in the flexible...