Additive Manufacturing, Composites, Digital Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing

As manufacturing undergoes the revolutionary changes of the Digital Age, the people with the keenest leadership skills have taken up the charge to modernize the industry so that it leverages the cloud and Big Data and is connected and smart. Their success encourages the rest of the manufacturing world to follow.

To assemble this list of leaders...

Connected World
Smart Manufacturing

In today’s connected world, manufacturing remains far from untouched as waves of change from IoT (Internet of Things) technologies crash over society and industry. Smart manufacturing refers to the digitization and connectedness of manufacturing, creating a fully integrated network of all aspects of production—including fabrication, supply chain...

Energy, Smart Manufacturing

The institutes that make up Manufacturing USA need to move at the speed of business, considering that the endeavor represents the U.S. government’s biggest investment in the digitization of manufacturing to date.

CESMII CEO John Dyck: “We are at risk of falling behind both Europe and Asia in terms of our smart manufacturing digital transformation...

Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing

Lawmakers at all levels can play a key role in the development of smart technology for manufacturing, the head of the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute said on Hill.TV's "Boundless," which aired Wednesday.

"Federal and state lawmakers can play a key role in incubating technologies that are vital in smart manufacturing," said CEO...