Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

U.S. manufacturing becomes even larger and more competitive when people and technology work together to create products for the world.

In our ever-changing world, technology is weaving together different sectors and applications, resulting in tremendous new opportunities. As Manufacturing USA® institutes, we work with our federal agency sponsors...

Industry Week
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

The new leader of Manufacturing USA’s lightweighting institute, Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow (LIFT), seeks small manufacturers with big ideas.

When he spoke to IndustryWeek in June, Nigel Francis had spent all of 10 days as CEO of LIFT, the Detroit-based Manufacturing USA institute focused on lightweighting innovation. But Francis already...

Going Deep
Education, Human & Machine Behavior, Manufacturing, Robotics, Workforce

Jay is COO of The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute (ARM) - a Manufacturing USA institute. ARM is an independent non-profit that won an $80 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to become the leading catalyst of robotics innovation and expertise to accelerate growth in US-based manufacturing and the high value careers.

It is...