Innovation, Manufacturing, Photonics

A cutting-edge multi-project wafer (MPW) facility at AIM Photonics, a Manufacturing USA institute, in Rochester, New York, is nearly ready to roll.

Officials said last week that the delayed Test, Assembly, and Packaging (TAP) site will begin services for customers next month. The TAP facility is a core element of the $600 million-plus silicon...

Media Planet
Digital Manufacturing, Education, Manufacturing, Photonics, Workforce

In our ever-changing world, technology is ushering in boundless opportunities. It’s our job to harness and shape innovation in ways that benefit our country.

Advanced manufacturing is not your grandparents’ technology — in fact, it’s the complete opposite. Smart machines, artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, sensors built into fabrics...

Electronics 360
Innovation, Photonics

The photonics market is crucial to a number of emerging and evolving industries that depend on its rapid growth and innovation. Forecasts predict that innovations in photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology will drive industry growth from $10 billion to over $100 billion by 2025. To successfully reach the industries that will benefit from this...

New York Times
Photonics, Workforce

Shawn Reese is the perfect example of the complicated route that can lie ahead for workers of the future — but also for the opportunities that are emerging.

He graduated from Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, Mass., in May with a degree in electrical engineering, a field that — like most — is undergoing rapid change. A degree today is...

Optics, Photonics, Workforce

The photonics and optics industries are growing exponentially with continually advancing research and technologies. Such development further motivates advancement, but one glaring challenge remains: The photonics and optics workforces are struggling to keep pace.

Lionel Kimerling. Courtesy of Aim Photonics.

Industry players, from university...