Flexible Hybrid Electronics

NextFlex ®, America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, today announced that its Technology Hub’s fabrication facility in San Jose now complies with FDA manufacturing standards for medical devices.

NextFlex’s Quality System adheres to the intent of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulations for good manufacturing...

Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, STEM

The very survival of manufacturing depends on more students becoming workers in STEM-related careers. More specifically, the future needs an increase of students wanting to work in STEM in order to combat the severe outreach and recruitment challenges the manufacturing industry currently faces.

If the manufacturing industry does not address this...

Bioengineering, Robotics

A new bionic knee brace is in the works from a team that includes experts from defense contractor Lockheed Martin. Building on advances in rigid exoskeleton suits, the new brace uses soft robotic actuators and compliant materials, making it lightweight and, the researchers hope, practical to wear in certain real world use cases.


Industry Week
Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Network

It’s no secret that one of the manufacturing sector’s primary challenges is attracting talent to fill critical roles. With an aging workforce and increasing demand for advanced technology skills, it’s vital for manufacturers to interest youth in advanced manufacturing careers.

NextFlex, one of 14 Manufacturing USA Institutes, has a national...

Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

An advanced manufacturing workforce requires a higher level of preparation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Over the next decade millions of jobs are expected to open in manufacturing, with the majority of them projected to go unfilled. To achieve sustained economic growth, we must start educating tomorrow’s manufacturing...