Novus Light Technologies Today

(REMADE) Manufacturing Institute announced approximately $35 million to support research and development (R&D) that will enable U.S. manufacturers to increase the recovery, recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing of plastics, metals, electronic waste, and fibers.

The funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is part of the Department’s Plastics...

New York Times
Recycling, Reuse

Derrick Gaddis knew his equipment was nearing the end of its useful life. Two of his logging skidders — the heavy-duty machines that haul cut timber — needed to be replaced. But most manufacturers at the time had shifted gears to bigger and heavier models, he said, and no longer made the size of skidders required for what is known as selective...

E-Scrap News
Energy, Recycling

An expert recently explained why North American e-plastics processing could be a component of a wider effort to reduce energy use in U.S. manufacturing. And he outlined steps for progress.

The Remade Institute is a government-funded initiative researching avenues to reduce energy use in American manufacturing. One key way is through boosting...

Media Planet
Education, Manufacturing, Workforce

U.S. manufacturing becomes even larger and more competitive when people and technology work together to create products for the world.

In our ever-changing world, technology is weaving together different sectors and applications, resulting in tremendous new opportunities. As Manufacturing USA® institutes, we work with our federal agency sponsors...