Industry Week
Photonics, Workforce

American factories are about twice as efficient today as they were three decades ago. Cutting-edge “Industry 4.0 technologies” such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, data analytics, and the Internet of Things have bolstered productivity. They’ve also automated many low-skill factory jobs and created new, high-skill jobs requiring...
Energy, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Photonics

What happens when you combine the strength of the American worker with investment in cutting-edge science and technology? Innovations capable of changing the world.

Manufacturing USA® , a network of 14 manufacturing institutes across the United States, does just that. Each of its public-private partnerships enables precompetitive collaboration...

Printed Electronics Now
Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Robotics

Governments worldwide are partnering with industry and academia to boost research into the field of printed and flexible electronics. For example, the European Union (EU) has put considerable financial resources into a host of projects. In the US, the most notable project is NextFlex , which is helping to advance manufacturing capabilities for...

Education, Photonics, Workforce

MIT is stepping in to train technicians in the advanced manufacturing field of integrated photonics.

Integrated photonics installs light technology on chips. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's AIM Photonics is one of 14 institutions across the country that were part of the Obama administration's initiative to develop new technologies and...