Re-manufacturing, Reuse

Reduce, reuse, recycle: that’s the mantra millions of schoolchildren have been taught for decades as a way to remember to take care of the planet. But what about reuse, repair, remanufacture?

A circular economy , in simple terms, is a closed-loop system where materials and resources are reused for different applications. Magdi Azer of the Remade...

Education, Re-manufacturing, Recycling, Workforce

A national institute, led in part by Rochester Institute of Technology , this week is hosting the inaugural REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit and Conference in Washington, D.C., showcasing promising strategies and technologies for accelerating the adoption of a circular economy .

REMADE Institute , a 170-member public-private partnership...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Re-manufacturing, Robotics

Their work could spring from the minds of sci-fi writers Octavia Butler or Isaac Asimov, but everything done at R&D institutes focused on electronics engineering is real.

The smattering of innovate R&D institutes EE Times surveyed this fall are compressing the two-year timeline of Moore’s Law to six months: they are lightweighting aircraft by...

Re-manufacturing, Recycling

The REMADE Institute , a 154-member public-private partnership established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) with an initial investment of $140 million, today announced a new technology license involving a technological innovation capable of recovering precious metals from used electronics more easily and cost-effectively.
