Re-manufacturing, Reuse

Reduce, reuse, recycle: that’s the mantra millions of schoolchildren have been taught for decades as a way to remember to take care of the planet. But what about reuse, repair, remanufacture?

A circular economy, in simple terms, is a closed-loop system where materials and resources are reused for different applications. Magdi Azer of the Remade...

New York Times
Recycling, Reuse

Derrick Gaddis knew his equipment was nearing the end of its useful life. Two of his logging skidders — the heavy-duty machines that haul cut timber — needed to be replaced. But most manufacturers at the time had shifted gears to bigger and heavier models, he said, and no longer made the size of skidders required for what is known as selective...

Popular Science
Additive Manufacturing, Biomanufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Composites, Digital Manufacturing, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Materials, Reuse, Robotics, Smart Manufacturing, Wide Bandgap Technologies

The manufacturing process that takes the next big idea from concept to market is one of the greatest factors propelling innovation forward — or in some cases, holding it back. Without this important step, we’d live in a world without many of the ingenious technologies that improve our daily lives and excite our imaginations, from smartwatches to...