Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) intends to announce a competition for a new Manufacturing USA institute. The expected competition will seek to establish a Manufacturing USA institute focused on using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the resilience of U.S. manufacturers. The U.S. Government intends to enter into...

Automation World
Artificial Intelligence, Intellectual Property, Network, Robotics

In this episode, we connect with Ira Moskowitz, CEO of the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute, to learn about its work supporting the use of robotics and AI in the manufacturing industries and how it helps manufacturers deploy and expand robotic applications.


David Greenfield, Automation World
Welcome to the Automation...

Media Planet
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics

History is marked by times of innovation that change the job landscape, which can create challenges for manufacturers and employees caught up in the accelerating pace of automation. We know we are living in the fourth industrial revolution, and robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the core of this transformation — and of this challenge...

Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Robotics

Our cars will drive us to work, where robots will be our partners in performing our assigned tasks.

Back at home, they’ll do our shopping, deliver our groceries and make our dinner.

A decade from now, our lives will be transformed by the robotic and artificial intelligence technologies being developed right here in Pittsburgh.

“In 10 years, our...