Industry Today
Cybersecurity, Lightweight Materials

MxD and LIFT, manufacturing innovation institutes sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense based in Chicago and Detroit, respectively, celebrate a decade of bolstering the vitality of the American manufacturing sector and strengthening the nation’s defense industrial base in 2024.

Recognizing manufacturing is a major driver of both innovative...


Today, leaders from the Departments of Commerce, Defense, and Energy; and the National Science Foundation; and the Chief Executive Officer of the National Center for the Advancement of Semiconductor Technology (Natcast) gathered at the White House to announce over $5 billion in expected investment in the CHIPS R&D program, including the National...


They are 16 creators at heart. One creates automation systems for manufacturers. Another designs software for photonics. One helps create high-tech careers in robotics, another in cybersecurity, and a third in the emerging field of remanufacturing. One went to prison and turned his life around to make a six-figure salary in CNC machining.


Manufacturing News

LIFT, the Detroit-based Department of Defense manufacturing innovation institute, announced it has signed a new cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program to continue to operate the public-private partnership and national manufacturing innovation institute (MII) for the next five years. ManTech...

Education, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

Semiconductors are at the heart of America’s strength, enabling the essential technologies that drive economic growth and national security. With demand for semiconductors projected to increase significantly by 2030 and beyond, semiconductor companies are ramping up production and innovation to keep pace.

Fortunately, thanks in large part to...