Recycling, Workforce

The REMADE Institute announced the selection of 9 projects for negotiation dedicated to improving the competitiveness of U.S. Manufacturing and advancing the circular economy.

These projects align with REMADE’s mission to drive down the cost of technologies essential to reuse, recycle and remanufacture materials such as metals, fibers, polymers and...

Re-manufacturing, Recycling

The REMADE Institute has issued its fourth Request for Proposals (RFP) to invest up to $35M for research and development of transformational technologies to increase the recovery, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of metals, polymers, fibers, and e-waste. The funding will be matched by project participants, for a total investment of up to $70M.

Additive Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Digital Manufacturing, Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Process Intensification, Recycling, Robotics, Workforce

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, through a partnership with its fellow Manufacturing USA® Institutes and led by Nextflex®, has been awarded funding from the Office of Naval Research for new manufacturing workforce education activities. The ARM Institute has partnered with Pittsburgh-based members, New Century Careers and...


A team led by Materials Science and Engineering Professor Alan Luo began work this summer on two recycling efficiency projects funded by the Reducing EMbodied-Energy And Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) Institute.

According to The Aluminum Association, nearly 40 percent of the North American aluminum supply is now created through secondary production...

Recycling, Reuse

The Reducing EMbodied Energy and Decreasing Emissions (REMADE) Institute intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Institute roadmap projects. The total investment will be approximately $24 million with 50% in REMADE funding and 50% awardee cost-share. REMADE anticipates issuing two (2) RFPs (RFP 3 and RFP 4) during Budget Period 3 (BP3...