Additive Manufacturing

America Makes is proud to announce a new directed project call focusing on Methods for AM Cross-Platform Consistency (AM-CPC) with a $250K funding opportunity provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). One award is anticipated.

The AM-CPC Project Call is a collaboration between NIST, the Air Force Research Laboratory...

Additive Manufacturing, Workforce

On February 9, 2023, Youngstown Mayor Tito Brown applauded Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine for proposing that the state invest $150 million in innovation hubs to bolster economic development and announced a partnership to pursue a hub anchored at America Makes.

“The City of Youngstown, in partnership with many organizations already excelling in research and...

Additive Manufacturing

It’s called Foundry 4.0—a partnership between the Defense Logistics Agency and the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM), and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and Youngstown State University. The idea is to provide American-based foundries with a competitive edge in technology while optimizing productivity, output...

Additive Manufacturing, Announcement

The 2022 Rapid Innovation Call focuses on the advancement of AM technologies which addresses the needs of all members. NCDMM is soliciting competitive proposals supporting the America Makes mission of promoting and accelerating the development and deployment of innovative, cost-effective, energy...

Additive Manufacturing

America Makes is proud to announce that Boeing Research and Technology has been selected as the awardee of a Directed Project Opportunity on the generation of additive material allowables for Ti-6AI-4V (GAMAT) funded by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing and Industrial Base Technology...