Additive Manufacturing, Automation, Composites, Education, Manufacturing Day, Manufacturing Jobs, Robotics, Workforce

Manufacturing employs millions of Americans. This infographic helps illustrate the pathways from jobs with adjacent skills to high-tech manufacturing careers and the benefits this transition brings for the worker. It represents but a small snapshot of the ways into manufacturing.

Today’s manufacturing is advanced manufacturing. It is home to some...

Collaboration, Composites, Innovation, Lightweight Materials, Manufacturing, Robotics

The need for leadership in smart manufacturing cannot be overstated: Making revolutionary changes can be arduous. But the leaders who have emerged in this industry show us it can also be exhilarating. To assemble this group of luminaries, Smart Manufacturing took into account the fact that big change is happening inside large corporations, startups...

Composites, COVID-19, Materials

In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a race against the clock not only to find a vaccine but also to supply healthcare workers with life-saving equipment such as face shields, masks and test kits.

Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility and Carbon Fiber Technology Facility at Oak Ridge National...