COVID-19, Education, Smart Manufacturing, Workforce

Dear CESMII Colleagues,

We are in unprecedented times. At CESMII, we recognize the very real impact and disruption that concerns over the COVID-19 virus have on lives – within our ecosystem and all around the world. We take these concerns seriously and are taking steps to keep our employees, members and partners safe, including instituting a...

Energy, Smart Manufacturing, Workforce

CESMII - the Smart Manufacturing Institute announced plans to formally launch an Affinity Group focused on the needs of small-to-medium sized manufacturing enterprises. This announcement is a continuation of the institute’s efforts to engage and empower smaller manufacturers, further demonstrated by CESMII’s previous commitment to make institute...

Additive Manufacturing, Education, Energy, Smart Manufacturing, Workforce

The Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII) held their first Workforce Development and Education Workshop on April 18-19, 2018. This national workshop was held using video conferencing allowing the workshop to host four separate breakout groups for each of the three sessions held over the course of the two days. This workshop...