Education, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

LIFT, the Detroit-based, Department of Defense national manufacturing innovation institute, today announced that Valencia College will be expanding its job training work by once again offering advanced manufacturing career training through the Operation Next initiative. $2 million in funding is being made available through the State of Florida...

Lightweight Materials

LIFT, the Detroit-based Department of Defense national manufacturing innovation institute today announced it, along with its ecosystem partners, has kicked off the next phase of its Hypersonics Thermal Management and Hypersonics Material Acceleration programs.

The new program phases follow on LIFT’s original work on those two topics, both of which...

Additive Manufacturing, Biomanufacturing, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Robotics

The Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology Program (OSD ManTech) has announced the winners of the first-of-its-kind "Point of Need Challenge Pitch Event" for solutions to support forward-deployed forces in austere environments.

Held March 8-9 at the ARM Institute in Pittsburgh, Pa., the event showcased technologies generated...

Education, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

LIFT, the Detroit-based Department of Defense manufacturing innovation institute, today announced it has signed a new Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology (ManTech) Program to continue to operate the public-private partnership and national manufacturing innovation institute (MII) for the next five years...