Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Circular Economy, Composites, Digital Manufacturing, Digital Twins, Flexible Hybrid Electronics

South by Southwest (SXSW) celebrates innovation and technology and provides a forum for creative thinkers to discuss what’s next and learn about the resources that can help them build the future. Over 300,000 people attend the annual conference and festival, and in 2024, the Manufacturing USA network had the opportunity to present its first...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

Binghamton University hosted the NextFlex hybrid electronics community on April 18 for a day of expert presentations, breakout sessions on technology and manufacturing topics, and networking. Seventy-five attendees from industry, academia, and government convened to provide presentations in two technical sessions. The first focused on the enabling...

Flexible Hybrid Electronics

In April, NextFlex launched its Education & Workforce Development Working Group with its kickoff meeting. Over 40 committed members and stakeholders met to share their insights into education and workforce development initiatives. The working group broke out into three subgroups focusing on roadmapping, K-12, and work-based learning programs, and...

Additive Manufacturing, Biomanufacturing, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Robotics

The Office of the Secretary of Defense Manufacturing Technology Program (OSD ManTech) has announced the winners of the first-of-its-kind "Point of Need Challenge Pitch Event" for solutions to support forward-deployed forces in austere environments.

Held March 8-9 at the ARM Institute in Pittsburgh, Pa., the event showcased technologies generated by...