Additive Manufacturing, Biopharmaceutical, Digital Manufacturing, Education, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Photonics, Process Intensification, Recycling, Robotics, Workforce

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Institute, through a partnership with its fellow Manufacturing USA® Institutes and led by Nextflex®, has been awarded funding from the Office of Naval Research for new manufacturing workforce education activities. The ARM Institute has partnered with Pittsburgh-based members, New Century Careers and...

Robotics, Workforce

The AmSkills Manufacturing Career Discovery Workshop and Bootcamp was created as a fast-track program to recruit and assess candidates for manufacturers to hire into entry-level positions. The one-day workshop and two-week Bootcamp utilizes the AmSkills Mobile Workshop and sets-up a temporary workshop at a local community center located in a low...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM), a Manufacturing USA institutes, announces the selection of 11 new education and workforce development projects, awarded to members of its national consortium. Pending final negotiations, ARM plans to provide more than $2.2M in funding for a total investment of approximately $7.8M across the 11 projects.


Education, Robotics, Workforce

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) is proud to announce the selection of 8 technology projects and 6 education/workforce development projects resulting from ARM’s first formal project call announced in October 2017. These 14 projects have been selected for funding and will kick-off in the coming months, pending final contract negotiations.
