Education, Electronics, Manufacturing, STEM, Workforce

NextFlex , a Manufactoring USA institute, just concluded two iterations of its new one-day pilot program – FlexFactor® Sprint: Balance in STEM for Middle School. This new program was launched with students from two Union School District schools: Dartmouth Middle School and Union Middle School, and it provides a means of engaging younger students...

Education, Manufacturing Jobs, STEM, Workforce

NextFlex hosted the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the California Manufacturing & Technology Association (CMTA) as part of NAM’s fourth annual State of Manufacturing Tour across America. NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons, and Dorothy Rothrock, President of CMTA, and their teams visited with Malcolm Thompson, Executive Director of...

Education, Manufacturing, STEM, Workforce

Today, LIFT—Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow, a national Manufacturing USA institute, in partnership with Detroit Public Schools Community District and Tennessee Tech University’s iCube, launched MakerMinded, an online Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning and educational activity platform for Detroit middle and high school...

Education, Materials, STEM

Lightweight Innovations For Tomorrow (LIFT), a Manufacturing USA institute, today announced the first group of seven soldiers to graduate from its “Operation Next” Advanced Manufacturing Certification Program.

Operation Next

“Operation Next” is designed to provide military service members the opportunity to pursue industry-driven education...

Electronics, Materials, Security, STEM

Hazardous environments such as disaster sites and conflict zones present many challenges for emergency response. But the new field of functional fabrics — materials modified to incorporate various sensors, connect to the internet, or serve multiple purposes, among other things — holds promise for novel solutions.

A three-day hackathon on campus...