Electronics, Materials, Photonics

The American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics) today announced the winner of a proposal call for a new Defense Department Government Directed Project for photonic integrated circuit (PIC) data links for cryogenic focal plane arrays (FPAs). The project will encompass the design, fabrication and testing of cryogenic...

Electronics, Materials, Security, STEM

Hazardous environments such as disaster sites and conflict zones present many challenges for emergency response. But the new field of functional fabrics — materials modified to incorporate various sensors, connect to the internet, or serve multiple purposes, among other things — holds promise for novel solutions.

A three-day hackathon on campus...

Electronics, Materials

San Jose, Calif. — NextFlex, America’s Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, today announced the launch of its NextFlex Fellow Award, which recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals across industry, government and academia for their remarkable contributions to accelerating the NextFlex mission and the FHE industry...