Collaboration, Composites, Innovation, Lightweight Materials, Manufacturing, Robotics

The need for leadership in smart manufacturing cannot be overstated: Making revolutionary changes can be arduous. But the leaders who have emerged in this industry show us it can also be exhilarating. To assemble this group of luminaries, Smart Manufacturing took into account the fact that big change is happening inside large corporations, startups...

COVID-19, Economy, Public Private Partnerships, Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we live and work. This newly released special report highlights how 9 institutes in the Manufacturing USA network worked with 91+ partners across 24 states and Puerto Rico on 36 manufacturing innovation projects to combat COVID-19.

The institutes convened members from industry, academia, and government to...

Highlighting Manufacturing Innovation, Collaboration, and Education

This comprehensive report highlights the manufacturing technology and workforce development innovations underway at the manufacturing innovation institutes that are part of Manufacturing USA ®. Institutes work with members from the manufacturing industry, academia, government...

Additive Manufacturing, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Lightweight Materials, Photonics, Robotics, Workforce

During a meeting of the Commonwealth’s Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative (AMC) on Wednesday, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that Massachusetts has been awarded a new $3.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense’s Manufacturing Technology Program (DoD ManTech) to develop a manufacturing technician training program that will...

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded $3.4 million in grants to support high-impact projects for COVID-19 pandemic response, with funding authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act signed by President Donald Trump in March 2020.

The funding goes to four...