Additive Manufacturing, Electronics, Manufacturing, Robotics, Supply Chain

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has awarded a total of $2.08 million to seven organizations in six states to develop manufacturing technology roadmaps to strengthen U.S. innovation and productivity across entire industry sectors. This is the second round of grants awarded to universities...

Additive Manufacturing, Education, Workforce

President Biden’s top economic priority is to fight inflation by lowering costs that working families face, and lowering the federal deficit.

One of the best ways to lower the cost of the goods and services that families rely on is to make more things in America, with more secure, resilient supply chains. We’ve learned this the hard way during this...

Additive Manufacturing, Automation, Composites, Education, Manufacturing Day, Manufacturing Jobs, Robotics, Workforce

Manufacturing employs millions of Americans. This infographic helps illustrate the pathways from jobs with adjacent skills to high-tech manufacturing careers and the benefits this transition brings for the worker. It represents but a small snapshot of the ways into manufacturing.

Today’s manufacturing is advanced manufacturing. It is home to some...

Additive Manufacturing, Workforce

America Makes continues to fulfill its mission of building an additive manufacturing (AM) talent pipeline across the state of Ohio with the announcement of the Ohio Secondary Education Additive Manufacturing Training Network.

Created in collaboration with and support from the Ohio Development Services Agency (OSDA), this network will provide formal...

Additive Manufacturing, COVID-19, Workforce

America Makes continues to advance its mission to train the future additive workforce with the announcement of a recently completed pilot program designed to expose middle school students to 3D printing and future career opportunities. The virtual program allows students to earn mini-badges in additive manufacturing (AM). It was funded by the...