
Today the ARM Institute welcomed Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States, and U.S. Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su to our Mill 19 facility in Pittsburgh, PA, which we share with Carnegie Mellon University. The visit centered on Pittsburgh’s Workforce Hub designation by the White House. Pittsburgh is one of five national Workforce Hubs...

Education, Robotics, Workforce

The ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute has selected eight new short-cycle technology projects for funding from its 23-01 Technology Project Call released earlier this year. The ARM Institute plans to award nearly $1.56M in project funding from various sources, for a total contribution of approximately $3.26M across these eight...

The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office held its annual Manufacturing USA Network Meeting on May 25 in Washington, DC. There were over 100 participants with representatives from each of the institutes and funding agencies attending nine unique sessions throughout the day.

Dr. Monica Gorman, Special Assistant to the President for...

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Manufacturing USA Workforce, Education and Vibrant Ecosystems (WEAVE) public serve awards to the 17 Manufacturing USA institutes for proposals in the following topic areas:

Partnerships amongst two or more institutes to build vibrant and...