Education, Lightweight Materials, Materials, Workforce

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy publicly announced its decision to renew funding for its Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI), one of DOE’s six existing Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institutes. IACMI will be receiving federal funding across five fiscal...

Materials, Modular Chemical Processing, Workforce

Sophia Gumina a 4th-year undergraduate student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, is working on a research project, "Flow Characteristics" utilizing advanced-flow reactors to optimize and scale up a continuous manufacturing process. Her specific focus is to stress test the current process and identify potential pitfalls.

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Bioengineering, Biomanufacturing, Education, Workforce

The Minnesota Senate Jobs and Economic Development Committee today held an informational hearing on BioMADE today as part of a discussion on S.F. 2598, which would empower BioMADE to create a bioindustrial manufacturing innovation and production campus in Minnesota. This first-of-its-kind project would put Minnesota in the center of a 21st century...

Education, Photonics, Workforce

The New York State Photonics Board of Officers met recently to discuss the state’s continued commitment to AIM Photonics’ Test, Assembly, and Packaging (TAP) facility in Rochester, NY. As a result, the board approved a proposal for $27.5 million in previously committed New York State funding to invest $23 million in new equipment and tool upgrades...