Announcement, Cybersecurity, Process

MxD and LIFT , manufacturing innovation institutes sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense based in Chicago and Detroit, respectively, celebrate a decade of bolstering the vitality of the American manufacturing sector and strengthening the nation’s defense industrial base in 2024.

Recognizing manufacturing is a major driver of both...

Education, Lightweight Materials, Workforce

LIFT, the Detroit-based, Department of Defense national manufacturing innovation institute, today announced that Valencia College will be expanding its job training work by once again offering advanced manufacturing career training through the Operation Next initiative. $2 million in funding is being made available through the State of Florida...

Education, Manufacturing Day

The Manufacturing USA institutes and supporting Federal agencies were exceptionally busy with their partners, members, and community organizers during this year’s Manufacturing Month. Several institutes lead or participated in events that will have strong local and national impacts for years to come. What follows are a few highlights:


The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office held its annual Manufacturing USA Network Meeting on May 25 in Washington, DC. There were over 100 participants with representatives from each of the institutes and funding agencies attending nine unique sessions throughout the day.

Dr. Monica Gorman, Special Assistant to the President for...