Highlighting Manufacturing Innovation, Collaboration, and Education

This comprehensive report highlights the manufacturing technology and workforce development innovations underway at the manufacturing innovation institutes that are part of Manufacturing USA ®. Institutes work with members from the manufacturing industry, academia, government...

Reuse, Workforce

Temitope Runsewe is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Miami. She obtained her Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas State University, San Marcos. She is the recipient of double awards, the Texas State University Graduate College Scholarship and Student Government Scholarship. Her research...

Recycling, Workforce

The REMADE Institute announced the selection of 9 projects for negotiation dedicated to improving the competitiveness of U.S. Manufacturing and advancing the circular economy.

These projects align with REMADE’s mission to drive down the cost of technologies essential to reuse, recycle and remanufacture materials such as metals, fibers, polymers and...

Re-manufacturing, Recycling

The REMADE Institute has issued its fourth Request for Proposals (RFP) to invest up to $35M for research and development of transformational technologies to increase the recovery, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of metals, polymers, fibers, and e-waste. The funding will be matched by project participants, for a total investment of up to $70M.

COVID-19, Manufacturing

As the current health crisis continues to unfold, and supplies for the healthcare system are in short supply with too much reliance on overseas manufacturing, the national manufacturing innovation institutes and their ecosystems are needed more than ever.

Recently, two of the institutes were able to put their networks and ecosystems to work in...