The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for Manufacturing USA W orkforce, E ducation a nd V ibrant E cosystems (WEAVE) public serve awards to the 17 Manufacturing USA institutes for proposals in the following topic areas :

Partnerships amongst two or more institutes to build vibrant and...
Highlighting Manufacturing Innovation, Collaboration, and Education

This report highlights the manufacturing technology and workforce development innovations underway at the Manufacturing USA institutes which are delivering value for manufacturers and the American public.

Institutes work with members from the manufacturing industry, academia...

Recycling, Reuse

The REMADE Institute, in partnership with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, will host the first REMADE Circular Economy Technology Summit & Conference in Washington, D.C. The conference will take place on Monday and Tuesday, March 20-21, 2023, at the National Academy of Sciences Building, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., in the nation's capital. This...

Manufacturing USA’s program office along with 7 manufacturing innovation institutes attended the Smart Manufacturing eXperience (SMX) in “Steel City,” Pittsburg, PA. With a focus on combating the challenges and opportunities to adopt smart manufacturing technologies faced by small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) and others in the industry...