Closed Opportunities

Manufacturing, Recycling, Reuse

The REMADE Institute is announcing a call for projects. REMADE solicits and will select project proposals that help advance the goals of the Institute, and enable U.S. manufacturers to increase the recovery, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling of materials.

All the information necessary to understand the proposal process and prepare a proposal can...

Manufacturing, Materials

Rapid and frequent advances in fiber materials (“Moore’s law for fibers”) and fabric manufacturing processes enable, for the first-time, fabrics with sophisticated technological capabilities. AFFOA, a Manufacturing USA institute, is pleased to announce a new MicroAward pilot program designed for engaging member organizations in prototyping projects...

Electronics, Manufacturing, Power Electronics

PowerAmerica has issued a revision to its 2017 Call For Projects that seek to accelerate the adoption of SiC and GaN power electronics technologies. These revisions, highlighted in the document, clarify some of the application and award requirements.

The Call for Projects is primarily focused on the manufacturing of SiC and GaN power semiconductor...

Bioengineering, Biomanufacturing, Manufacturing

ARMI's mission is to make practical the large-scale manufacturing of engineered tissues and tissue-related technologies, to benefit existing industries and grow new ones. In help achieve this mission, one of the BioFabUSA program's manufacturing goals is to make practical end-to-end automated biofabrication lines. These lines would ideally...

Department of Energy
Energy, Manufacturing, Materials

The High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program, designed to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise to advance innovation in energy-efficient manufacturing, is seeking concept papers for a fourth solicitation. Concept proposals from U.S. manufacturers interested in utilizing the national labs’...