
The Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CyManII) has released a roadmap to help manufacturers strengthen their cybersecurity infrastructure. The roadmap will help businesses understand how CyManII’s technical efforts can be leveraged to achieve a secure manufacturing architecture while also focusing on fundamental business goals...

Manufacturing USA’s program office along with 7 manufacturing innovation institutes attended the Smart Manufacturing eXperience (SMX) in “Steel City,” Pittsburg, PA. With a focus on combating the challenges and opportunities to adopt smart manufacturing technologies faced by small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) and others in the industry...

One year ago, President Biden signed Executive Order 14017 directing an all-of-government approach to assessing vulnerabilities in – and strengthening the resilience of – the United States’ critical supply chains. Within six months of taking office, the Administration completed a comprehensive review of the supply chains for four critical products...

Collaboration, COVID-19, Emerging Technologies, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Workforce

This past year brought the country and our world unprecedented challenges, which now present opportunities to innovate and build a new path forward. Using lessons from this year, the manufacturing industry is poised to undergo a transformation.

Supporting this work are the institutes that are part of Manufacturing USA®, a national network of...