Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Circular Economy, Composites, Digital Manufacturing, Digital Twins, Flexible Hybrid Electronics

South by Southwest (SXSW) celebrates innovation and technology and provides a forum for creative thinkers to discuss what’s next and learn about the resources that can help them build the future. Over 300,000 people attend the annual conference and festival, and i n 2024, the Manufacturing USA network had the opportunity to present its first...

Sustainability, Sustainable Manufacturing

Recently, there has been growing recognition of the critical importance of supply chain resilience and carbon/GHG tracking and reporting on a global scale. Addressing these global challenges necessitates robust solutions that enhance internationally coordinated efforts.

The concept of a Digital Product Passport (DPP) plays a pivotal role in...

Sustainability, Sustainable Manufacturing

These days it’s hard to do much of anything without artificial intelligence (AI) being mentioned. Personally, most of us have experienced AI in one way or another, while professionally, depending on your industry, things may be moving a bit slower. Many manufacturers are beginning to educate themselves about the possibilities AI can bring to their...

Education, Manufacturing Day

The Manufacturing USA institutes and supporting Federal agencies were exceptionally busy with their partners, members, and community organizers during this year’s Manufacturing Month. Several institutes lead or participated in events that will have strong local and national impacts for years to come. What follows are a few highlights:

Sustainability, Sustainable Manufacturing

The U.S.’ Smart Manufacturing Institute is excited to participate in the establishment of the International Management-X Council, with its official announcement at the 2023 Annual CESMII Member Meeting hosted at SOUTHTEC’s Smart Manufacturing Experience this week in Greenville, S.C.

They join Germany ( Plattform Industrie 4.0 ), Austria ( Plattfor...