Dr. Tony Schmitz, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of Tennessee, showing students how almost everything we make in this world touches a machine tool.
Education, Manufacturing Jobs, Workforce

Imagine life choices as a maze of doors. Your path relies on which doors you open, and one door leads to another. If you fail to open one door, you miss out on an entire set of possibilities. When you think of it that way, our job becomes simple: make sure the doors of opportunity open for everyone.

Take Victor Haynes II, nicknamed “Deuce.” He’s...

ARM Workforce Development
Additive Manufacturing, Education, Fabrics, Flexible Hybrid Electronics, Materials, Photonics, Power Electronics, Robotics, Sustainable Manufacturing, Workforce

Manufacturing evolved in the United States through geographic clusters that produced competitive advantages in expertise, scale of operations, research prowess, and skilled labor. The origin of the automotive sector is an example of a regional cluster, with vehicles assembled in the Detroit area from parts and components manufactured in the upper...

STEM Talent

The manufacturing skills gap in the U.S. could result in 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030, according to a study by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte. Finding workers with the right skills has been one of the biggest challenges in the manufacturing sector for more than a decade.

Manufacturing has long been a driver of innovation and...

people working in advanced manufacturing

Workforce development is taking on increasing importance as manufacturers not only must fill more than 800,000 current openings but also define new careers involving robotics, automation and AI. Manufacturers are seeking people with the right skills for the advanced manufacturing jobs of today and tomorrow and finding ways to upskill their...